Run a DeFli Blockchain Node

DeFli Nodes perform core functions within our blockchain architecture.

The primary functions are:

Light Nodes- Encryption of ADS-B, ADS-C, RemoteID and Passive Radar Data Packets | Storage of our Blockchain

Validator Nodes- Decryption and Publishing of Data Packets to our Private Blockchain | Issuing Cypher Keys

The rewards:

Nodes are rewarded in our $FLI token.

7% of minted $FLI per epoch is assigned to node rewards.

Rewards for light nodes are earned by: Volume of encryption (with each message being of a fixed size)

Rewards for validator nodes are earned by: Volume of decryption, volume of publishing & volume of cypher keys produced.

Node selection is based on a PoS model relating to $FLI staked from the wallet associated with the node (via NFT).

The requirements:

All nodes require a minimum of: 8 core AMD or Intel CPU, 16GB RAM, 2TB SSD, 100MiB/s Stable Internet Connection


The right to run a node on the DeFli Blockchain is through the acquisition of a digital license. You can use the buttons below to acquire this. You must purchase using a BASE Wallet and this wallet will act as the receiver wallet for your $FLI rewards.


To learn more about our network architecture please refer to